The Leisnoi Land Permit – Terms & Conditions represent the regulations established by Leisnoi, Inc. Any of the general public wishing to access our lands to hike, hunt, fish, gather firewood, or for any other purposes must purchase a permit and sign a waiver. Any activity on Leisnoi property requires a permit. Leisnoi appreciates your cooperation and respect for our land. Successful and efficient implementation of our land access permit system and compliance with our terms and conditions will allow for the continued use and enjoyment of these private lands into the future.
Leisnoi Shareholders, spouses, and first-line descendants are exempt from any of the land use permit fees on Leisnoi Lands. Senior Citizens (65+) who are residents of Kodiak, and Disabled Veterans with a disability rating of 50% or higher, are exempt from permit fees for Land Access and Camping permits.
Types of Permits
Permits may be revoked if you fail to comply with the Permit Terms & Conditions and future permits may be denied. Please do not litter! When you are done enjoying Leisnoi’s lands, take your garbage with you.
- Annual Land Access
- Annual Camping
- Annual Small Game Hunting
- Annual Deer Hunting
- Annual Bear Hunting
- Firewood
- Single Night Camping Permit
- 7-Day Land Access Permit
Apply for and pay for a Leisnoi hunting, land-use, camping or firewood permit below.
*Military includes Active Duty & Coast Guard
*All Discounted & Exempt Permits must be obtained in-person and are required to sign
a liability waiver (EVERY YEAR)